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white papers

VertiShear's core technology was researched and developed over many years by Dr. Bob Hardage and his research team at The University of Texas' Bureau of Economic Geology in Austin, TX.


Find below a sampling of different scientific papers and technology briefs that investigate the VertiShear Direct-S mode origins from the source, to the receivers, to the image processing techniques, and summary findings in some case studies.


Currently, Dr. Hardage has been successful applying VertiShear's SV-P mode imaging to 11 different Oil & Gas Basins in North America.

2-page tech briefs
Direct-S Thumb.png
Vibrator Thumb.png
Direct-S Thumb.png
History Thumb.png
Equivalence Thumb.png
Examples Thumb.png
Analyses Thumb.png
Multiples Thumb.png
Full Whitepaper reports
Generating Thumb.png
Ignored Thumb.png
S-S Imaging Thumb.png
Modes Thumb.png
Near-Field Thumb.png
Case Thumb.png
Guidelines Thumb.png
Processing Thumb.png
Extraction Thumb.png
Model 1 Thumb.png

2-D Modeling of Direct-S & Direct-P

Part 1: Modeling Principles and Examples

Model 2 Thumb.png

2-D Modeling of Direct-S & Direct-P

Part 2: P and S Radiation Patterns

Model 3 Thumb.png

2-D Modeling of Direct-S & Direct-P

Part 3: Reflectivity Modeling Using Real Log Data

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